Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Casual Corner

Dress: American Eagle
Shirt: Converse One Star, Target
Shoes: Deena & Ozzy, Urban Outfitters

Today, things at the office were pretty slow. After a week of shoots and interviews, things are starting to wind down, so I spent the majority of the day shipping clothes back to vendors. Lucky for me, I got off of work early today and decided to go hit up the mall. At Forever 21 I found this gorgeous, 50's style, full skirt. Of course, I was immediately in love. However the girl who picked it up after me found the skirt "scary". This skirt is the perfect piece for the new fashionable lady-like look. It is very Louis Vuitton Fall 2010. Don't worry, you will all definitely be seeing it soon. I do admit, the skirt is a statement piece, but it certainly isn't scary.

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